TSC Partners with Henry Masks

The Texas Salsa Congress is excited and honored to partner with HENRY MASKS to produce custom made Texas Salsa Congress masks. This company embodies so much of what we admire most from companies and individuals who have stepped up during the Covid-19 Pandemic. We have spent countless hours researching companies and brands in search of a company that could make quality masks that we would feel secure in putting our name on the partnership. We were looking for masks that would not only look amazing, but would protect all TSC supporters.

We were thrilled to learn about a tailor for top A-list celebrities who was taking his skills from New York fashion week to protective masks.

On top of that, for each mask sold, a mask is donated to healthcare workers and families in need. This was certainly a brand that the Texas Salsa Congress wanted to partner with as you are our very own A-listers!

In 2020 our world changed. Facing an invisible threat, we now have to protect our faces in order to grocery shop and walk among the general public. As a country, we felt the blow of how ill-equipped and unprepared we were for such a disaster. As global medical supplies and face masks ran low, there was no way of obtaining more of what was desperately needed. There were not enough manufacturers in the US to meet the demand.

That’s why HENRY MASKS decided to step up and put their manufacturing resources to use. At HENRY Mask Co. not only are they able to supply the general public with the best personal protection Travel-Masks, they have also been able to create and provide jobs in the local community.

A bespoke tailor for top A-list celebrities, Fresh sits at the helm of designer label Richfresh, which has become known for its beautifully vibrant color-blocking and impeccable fit. From custom suits and jackets to tracksuits and accessories, the LA-based luxury line has been seen time and time again on Lena Waithe, The Weeknd, Dwayne and Zaya Wade, A$AP Rocky, John Legend, Diddy and countless others.

Paper Magazine Feature

Henry masks are sold by subscription only; however, the Texas Salsa Congress can offer you a chance to purchase a mask as a single purchase! Please see below for all the information you will need to order your very own, exclusive, Texas Salsa Congress HENRY MASK.

Order Your Mask & Support the TSC

HENRY Travel-Masks are made of 3-ply 100% Polypropylene nonwoven fabric with round elastic ear-loops to give you the best protection and comfort when worn.

  • Washable/Reusable
  • Fluid resistant
  • Designed to fit the face without nose strip
  • Breathable materials
  • High filtration capacity
  • Perfect fitting
  • Made in the USA

No returns/Exchanges
Orders currently shipping in 5-7 business days.
Note: These face masks are not substitutable for surgical or procedural masks

There are 2 ways to support and receive your mask:

TSC Henry Mask
Option 1: Purchase from Our Web Site
$14.99 + Shipping

TSC Henry Mask
Option 2: Mask Pick-up Spots
$14.99 + Pickup Location

Throughout October and early November the TSC will have selected pick up spots and time in Houston where you can pick up in person your pre-purchased customized TSC Henry Mask.